Welcome to Recovery House ATX (RHATX)! We are people in recovery who work together to stay sober, work a program, work with a sponsor, maintain a job, attend meetings, participate in House activities as part of a transition into a lifelong, productive journey of living alcohol and drug-free lives.
Who do we serve? Currently we operate two houses in the Austin area (southeast). We serve women and women with small children and infants.
Who is our ideal candidate? A person who is serious about changing their life and living sober; who wants the opportunity for growth and truly seeks to build a better future for herself and her children. Someone who is willing to work their program of recovery, be accountable, become and remain teachable, contribute to the overall health and harmony of the house, and wants to be a part of a family that is moving in the same direction.
House "Philosophy" RHATX houses are managed sober living houses. The House Manager enjoys privileges that she has earned as a result of long term sobriety and participation with the home. She has been selected by the RHATX board to lead by example and will ensure that the policies and procedures of the House are respected. There may be some issues on which house members may be asked to vote, but Rules and Regulations of the homes are not up for debate or negotiation. House members are expected to openly and respectfully communicate with one another and work out their differences either with or without the aid of the house manager. Idle gossip among house members is not tolerated. Attitude and accountability are everything.
House Features RHATX houses are clean and safe homes in which to live. We feature cable TVs, a computer station with high speed internet and wi-fi. Rooms are spacious and private for those with a child. There is one large, comfortably spacious room for two singles in House 1 that is the only shared room in the Houses. Houses are close to bus routes and meetings and shopping. The Houses are well furnished and bedding is provided. Some staples such as toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, dryer sheets are provided while current residents tend to offer help to members who are temporarily indigent. House members are responsible for their own food, toiletries and clothing.
I'm interested: What do I do next? If you're interested, please take a few minutes and browse the website. You can also go directly to the Application Process tab or the Contact Us tab to take the next step.